How To Protect The New Tattoo From The Sun And Water

It is necessary to protect the new tattoo from the sun and water during the summer when there is even more body exposure in the routine of going to the pool, beach, or even the practice of outdoor sports.

To prevent the design from losing color or fading, sunscreen is essential, along with more precautions such as hydration and cleaning, which also contribute to skin rejuvenation.

Below are tips for taking care of skin with tattoos in the summer:

The sunscreen should not fade

In addition to preventing premature aging and dryness of the skin, sunscreen is essential for the protection and health of the tattoo and the skin around it.

Ultraviolet rays can quickly fade the design, reducing the intensity of the colors due to dryness. Therefore, it is essential to apply sunscreen to the area before sun exposure and reapply it every hour or after going to sea.

One more guideline that helps protect the tattoo is to opt for the sunscreen indicated for each skin type, and with the correct SPF, as dry skin needs a more moisturizing product, and oily skin can choose the protector with a dry touch.

The sunscreen should not fade

Tattoos under the sun should be treated with more excellent care

The person who recently got a tattoo must take extra care so that the skin heals without complications; swimming in the pool, sea, and also saunas are prohibited until the scabs from the scarring disappear.

At this stage, it is always recommended to clean the area using neutral soap and dermatological ointment. If you cannot avoid the sun, it is necessary to keep the region covered, as the unhealed tattoo behaves like an open wound prone to infections.

After the scabs have healed, the recommended sunscreen should be applied. One more precaution for those who recently got a tattoo is to keep away from pool chlorine, as this can cause dry skin due to its discoloration properties and vast chances of fading the design.

tattoo under sun

Using a moisturizing cream to prevent peeling

Moisturizing Cream is the second step in the care routine regarding tattoos and sun exposure. Even if the skin has been protected using sunscreen, applying moisturizer is essential, as it returns all the water lost with the heat, leaving the skin more vibrant and without a dry look.

The product will also prevent skin from peeling or changing the color of the tattoo design. If the moisturizing Cream has vitamin A in the composition, we can have even more benefits, as the vitamin helps in the elasticity and rejuvenation of the skin.

Keep reading: How To Practice Tattooing As An Apprentice-5 Ways.

Every tattoo requires special care.

The tattoo represents a permanent design that will accompany the person for the rest of his life. Care must be taken before, during, and after the process for anyone considering getting a tattoo.

Regardless of location, size, or details, the essential thing in the process is the care that must be followed after this procedure. Some tips are indicated to make your tattoo always beautiful:

– Sanitize

The most crucial process is the hygiene of the region. After approximately 2 hours of the procedure, you are advised to wash the tattoo site using cold running water and neutral soap. Remember to wash your hands properly before cleaning the place.

sanitize tattoo

– Healing care

Healing is significant for the result of the tattoo. It is necessary to strictly follow the guidelines to avoid surprises such as infection or possible deformation of the design. Tattooing is a type of burn, so the most common is oily ointments with a high amount of vitamin B.

After carefully spreading the thin layer of ointment in the region, it is necessary to bandage using PVC film, which is easy to find. This process will prevent the tattoo from rubbing against clothing.

Healing care tattoo

– Post-healing

Even after the tattoo’s healing, daily care is necessary for the tattoo to have durability in the details and color of the designs. The first step is to use sunscreen daily if there is sun exposure on the tattoo.

If the design is exposed only in the summer, care is redoubled, as ultraviolet radiation reaches the dermis and generates an inflammation process that causes pigment reabsorption. The tattoo loses pigmentation, and the greenish effect is noticed prematurely.

The recommendation is to keep the skin hydrated to preserve the color. Another tip is to drink plenty of water and use body creams abundantly daily.

Can I Go Into The Water With The New Tattoo???

Among the warnings, a significant concern is the contact of the tattoo with water and its effects, precisely what I will address in this post.

Contact with water in the shower:

No skipping the shower; the tattoo must be washed well; I recommend that it be washed several times in the same day, constantly massaging the region gently with water and soap foam (Avoid passing the soap directly on the tattoo, make a lot of foam in the palm of your hand and pass over the tattoo), after rinsing the tattoo well, dry it carefully and keep it dry and airy!

Bathtub water contact:

The critical thing about bathtub baths is NOT to leave the tattoo IMMERSE. Soaking the tattoo in the bathtub is not a problem. Still, when the tattoo is immersed in water, the effect of “withering” will occur, just as the fingers become “wrinkled” or “withered” this precipitates the skin to loosen inappropriately and causes flaws in the tattoo and loss of pigment.

Contact with Swimming Pool Water:

Swimming pools are collaborative environments, therefore, subject to germs and bacteria, almost always treated with chlorine, which can irritate the tattooed area, in addition to the adverse effects of immersion mentioned above in the bathtub. Therefore, it should not be used during a tattoo or piercing healing.

Contact with seawater:

It’s terrible to go into seawater with a freshly made tattoo; it can simply erase. The saltwater expels the ink from the body, leaving the tattoo wholly or partly without pigment! I recommend not coming into contact with salt water for two weeks—a critical period in which bark protects the tattoo.

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